Officer Meeting 8-27-18

Renew Squarespace Subscription
We need to update Squarespace with the new card, and renew our subscription to continue using that

Need to add PowerPoint slide and attatch flyer to meeting minutes about hosting the Big Data speaker.  We also need to refine the officer slides.

Interest Forms
Keep one interest form for each event, and keep it running across multiple meetings.

National Conference
Need to decide how much funding to get from SGA, and run a cost-benefit analysis of driving versus hotels.

Boing Event
$10 Tuesdays and carpool over after the third meeting.  Need to mention the rubberized socks in the slide

Meeting Activities
Lets make sure we have meeting events planned for two week out.  Currently we have Chemistry Hangman tomorrow, a speaker next week, and then Boing social the week after that.  For speakers, reach out to professors, and if no reply is given, send out another email the next week.  We should try to have at least one experiment and one speaker per month.

No Officer Meeting
There will not be an officer meeting next week, since Monday is Labor Day.  We will still have a member meeting on that Tuesday.

Class Advertising
We need more flyers for classes, but we should double-check that we are still allowed to advertise for the clubs.  Josh is going to contact Dr. Kuebler, and see if it's a chem department regulation or a university regulation.