Officer Meeting 11-19-18

Meeting Minutes Structure

We should put the information for the next week's meeting at the top of the email. Also, we need to insure that events and sign up information should be available under each event. Similarly, direct emails that are sent out about events should also contain any necessary information about the event.

Marketing Speakers

We want to market speakers a little better. We should probably put up flyers and send general email out to the chem department. We could also post to social media about the meeting.

Social Media

We probably want to delete the Facebook group, and utilize just the page. We should also post more to Instagram and Facebook. We should see if we can prioritize the notifications on the page.

Tomorrow's Experiment

Brandon has all the equipment necessary for the experiment, and is going to pick up the steel pieces to electroplate today. He is also going to finish up the slides and add them to the meeting powerpoint. He will also make a slide about how it relates to green chemistry, so that this can count as one of our green chemistry events.

Grad School Marketing

We should reach out to grad schools and see if any of the recruiters might want to come and give a talk to our members.

Treasurer ACS