Officer Meeting 8-20-18

Ji will advertise to missing labs, Lori can deliver
Marie will make list and email/GroupMe it to people, and will organize lab coats in the evenings. Ji will come in on Monday morning and Monday evening to organize things for Tuesday.

Notifications and Agenda
If a task is time sensitive, please send out the email or notifications are sent out promptly.  Especially if the task requires people to take actions, make sure to send it out as soon as possible. Don't forget to check the Officer Agenda, and make sure you are completing all the assigned tasks.

Professional Speakers
We want to try to have at least one speaker a month.  Dr. Kuebler is an option, as well as any new professors (Agnastopolus and Kolbion). A list of faculty is available on the chemistry website

Advertising to Classes
We will go around to classes during the third week, with a couple of classes this week and next week.

Chair Elections
We will try to do chair announcements during the first meeting.  Officers will make slides for chairs that fall under their purview. Current chairs include UHS Tutoring (Ji), Bonding with Bithlo (Ji), Review Sessions (Marie), Marketing (Lori), STEM Day (Brandon)

Member Meeting
Slides should be made by the officer meeting, so that they can be discussed at the officer meeting.  We will do chemistry hangman at the fist meeting, as it is a good icebreaker.

We need an event for every month.  Brandon will look into a Boing social for September (probably around the third meeting).